S2 Ep.8 DNF Pile

Did Not Finish, some books we just have too put down. There are lots of reasons not to finish a book and while that might not sit well for some readers for other it's just the sort of self-care needed. Whether it's the choices of the author, or the fickle nature of being a mood reader, Karli and Jamie discuss reasons they DNF books.

Episode Transcript

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S2 Ep.6 Cult Classics

Midnight movies, underground films, cult films: What are they? How does a film become a cult classic? With their strange offbeat styles, box office bombs, and avid fan bases, Karli and Jamie have fun discussing this slice of cinema.

Episode Transcript

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Ep.32 NaNo Wrap Up, Holiday, Year End, Finale!
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What a long strange trip it’s been! Jamie and Karli are wrapping up another year of National Novel Writing Month, as well as their first season of podcasting. From achievements unlocked to unmet expectations, they’ll look back at the ride that was the year of 2021.

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